Herb Music

Genre: Melodic Black Metal

Herb Music
Top "Melodic Black Metal" Albums All Top Albums »
Rank Artist name  /  Album title  /  Genres Release date Rating Votes Reviews
1 Regarding All the Sadness of the World preview Oathean collection
wish list
2008-08-21 90 3 0
preview Regarding All the Sadness of the World
Melodic Black Metal
2 Storm of the Light's Bane preview Dissection collection
wish list
1995-11-17 87.5 2 1
preview Storm of the Light's Bane
Melodic Black Metal
3 Autumn Leaves preview Dismal Euphony collection
wish list
1997 90 1 1
preview Autumn Leaves
Melodic Black Metal
4 The Somberlain preview Dissection collection
wish list
1993-05-03 85 1 0
preview The Somberlain
Melodic Black Metal
5 Underneath the Crescent Moon preview Graveworm collection
wish list
1998 85 1 0
preview Underneath the Crescent Moon [EP]
Melodic Black Metal, Gothic Metal
Genres  –  Melodic Black Metal
145 albums
Artist name Album title Genres Rating Votes
preview Dissection preview The Somberlain (1993) collection wish list Melodic Black Metal 85 1
preview Cradle of Filth preview The Principle of Evil Made Flesh (1994) collection wish list Melodic Black Metal - 0
preview Ancient preview Svartalvheim (1994) collection wish list Melodic Black Metal - 0
preview Naglfar preview Vittra (1995) collection wish list Melodic Black Metal - 0
preview Dissection preview Storm of the Light's Bane (1995) collection wish list Melodic Black Metal 87.5 2
preview Dismal Euphony preview Soria Moria Slott (1996) collection wish list Melodic Black Metal 50 1
preview Dark Fortress preview Rebirth of the Dark Age (1996) [Demo] collection wish list Melodic Black Metal - 0
preview Borknagar preview Borknagar (1996) collection wish list Melodic Black Metal - 0
preview Dissection preview Where Dead Angels Lie (1996) [EP] collection wish list Melodic Black Metal, Death Metal - 0
preview Ancient preview The Cainian Chronicle (1996) collection wish list Melodic Black Metal - 0
preview Dismal Euphony preview Autumn Leaves (1997) collection wish list Melodic Black Metal 90 1
preview Mystic Circle preview Morgenrote (1997) collection wish list Melodic Black Metal - 0
preview Covenant preview In Times Before the Light (1997) collection wish list Symphonic Black Metal, Melodic Black Metal - 0
preview Graveworm preview Eternal Winds (1997) [EP] collection wish list Melodic Black Metal, Gothic Metal - 0
preview Graveworm preview Demo (1997) [Demo] collection wish list Melodic Black Metal, Gothic Metal - 0
preview Borknagar preview The Olden Domain (1997) collection wish list Melodic Black Metal - 0
preview Old Man's Child preview The Pagan Prosperity (1997) collection wish list Melodic Black Metal - 0
preview Graveworm preview When Daylight's Gone (1997) collection wish list Melodic Black Metal, Gothic Metal 70 1
preview Ancient preview Mad Grandiose Bloodfiends (1997) collection wish list Melodic Black Metal - 0
preview Suidakra preview Lupine Essence (1997) collection wish list Melodic Black Metal, Death Metal - 0
preview Mystic Circle preview Drachenblut (1998) collection wish list Melodic Black Metal - 0
preview Oathean preview The Eyes Tremendous Sorrow (1998) collection wish list Melodic Black Metal 70 1
preview Sad Legend preview Sad Legend (1998) collection wish list Melodic Black Metal - 0
preview Graveworm preview Awaiting the Shinning (1998) [Video] collection wish list Melodic Black Metal, Gothic Metal - 0
preview Graveworm preview Underneath the Crescent Moon (1998) [EP] collection wish list Melodic Black Metal, Gothic Metal 85 1
preview ...And Oceans preview The Dynamic Gallery of Thoughts (1998) collection wish list Melodic Black Metal 65 1
preview Catamenia preview Halls Of Frozen North (1998) collection wish list Melodic Black Metal - 0
preview Covenant preview Nexus Polaris (1998) collection wish list Symphonic Black Metal, Melodic Black Metal 75 1
preview Suidakra preview Auld Lang Syne (1998) collection wish list Melodic Black Metal, Death Metal - 0
preview Old Man's Child preview Ill-natured Spiritual Invasion (1998) collection wish list Melodic Black Metal - 0
1 2 3 4 5
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Zodiac (1993)
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Info / Statistics
Artists : 5,264
Albums : 40,287
Reviews : 629
Lyrics : 1,246
Top Rating
rating : 95   votes : 1
rating : 85   votes : 1
rating : 95   votes : 1
rating : 86.7   votes : 3